Category: Website usability

  • Trends in web design: Responsiveness and touch screens

    Trends in web design: Responsiveness and touch screens

    Screen Resolution For years, we were designing web pages for monitors that were 640 pixels wide. It was such a relief when we could widen our designs for 800 pixel monitors. A few years later, it was safe to shoot for 1024 pixels (about 995 pixels plus room for the scrollbar). Meanwhile, we had to…

  • Flashy isn’t always best. Keep it simple.

    (UPDATED IN 2017) In 2010, I redesigned two websites for companies selling office furniture and supplies. The previous versions of the websites made extensive use of Flash and JavaScript. Some of their biggest customers (e.g. government offices) operated behind a security wall that banned JavaScript, and workers could not use the site or see any…

  • Consider the age of your clients when designing a website

    One of my oldest web sites is for Arlington Frame Company of Canning, NS.  It has been a pleasure, and very encouraging through the years, to have provided an essential component of this business’s operations.  We have learned and grown together. The website drives the business.  It’s not an e-commerce site – it can’t be,…